Oatly Creamy Oat Cream 250ml
Oatly Creamy Oat Cream 250ml
If this product could have a slogan, it would go something like this: “Now everyone can enjoy the same sauce.” What do you think about that line? You are probably unconvinced by the crafty choice of words by the writer, so think of it like this: A bunch of friends or family members all sit down to dinner. One is lactose intolerant, two are vegetarian, one is vegan, one loves meat and the other doesn’t want anything to do with anything that comes from a cow. What do you do, make four different dishes? Exactly, imagine if there was a cooking cream that didn’t contain cream but that tasted just …
Ingredients: Water, rapeseed oil, OATS 10%, emulsifier (E472e), stabiliser (xanthan gum), iodised salt.